Volunteer Information » Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Sign-Up Sheets
Parent Service Hour Submission - Step by Step Directions: It is the responsibility of the volunteer to correctly record Service Hours in their FACTS Family Portal.  Service hours are validated and tracked by the school office and can be viewed on the parents FACTS Family Portal at anytime. The office does not enter hours, parents' must enter their own hours. CLICK HERE for instructions.


A list of qualified school service hours is in the handbook. If you have any questions please contact the school office. It is our desire to make service opportunities available to accommodate all of our Red Hill Lutheran families. Some examples of school service projects that are acceptable for earning Support/Service hour requirements are listed below.


Families are encouraged to communicate with their teachers and room parents about ways that they can best serve our school.

• Assisting teachers with classroom activities or take-home projects
• Assisting teachers with errands or other classroom services
• Assisting with the annual Gala / Auction fundraiser.
• Chaperoning class field trips
• Driving students to sporting events
• Helping with on-campus activities: Welcome Back BBQ, Back to School Nights, Garden, Christmas and Spring Sing Programs, Grandparents’/VIP Day, etc.
• Assisting with PTF pizza lunch
• Assisting in the School Office
• Assisting on Picture Day
• Chaperoning at Middle School dances


Please Note: Chick-Fil-A is not included in service hours due to being a fundraiser for students going to DC.

Dear RHLS Community;


Hope everyone is enjoying the summer break and the Southern California sunshine!  The start of a new school year will be here before we know it, as such the RHLS Garden Team has started planning for the 2024-2025 garden visits and we'd love to grow our small but mighty team. The existing team of Papa John, Summer Rhorer and Lindsay Manning are not going anywhere – we just need more help.


You do not need to have gardening experience to help out! There are many ways to help, and we are flexible, so if you have an interest, we’d love to connect.


Help is welcome in any of the following areas:

·   Leading and teaching lessons (maybe you'd love to teach an entire grade level??)

·  Tending to our garden beds outside of class visits (this is a great opportunity to volunteer in your own time)

·  Crafts - are you a crafty person that would love to create and plan garden crafts and lead these lessons?


Time commitment can be as little or as much as you like and we can work with various schedules to make your garden volunteer time work with your schedule - so be creative in how you think you might help us!  We just ask that anyone that does volunteer makes a firm commitment to help.  Reaching out to us does not have to mean you are signed up - we are happy to chat, answer questions and see if we can find the right fit.  If you reach out to us and it doesn't work that is OK - so don't be shy! We welcome anyone with ties to the school so feel free to inquire with grandparents and other family members too!


Email Summer Rhorer at [email protected] to learn more.





RHLS Learning Garden Team

Papa John, Summer Rhorer and Lindsay Manning