RHLS Parent - Student Handbook
Dear RHLS Parents,
Welcome to a new school year at Red Hill Lutheran School (RHLS). An outreach ministry and mission of Red Hill Lutheran Church, RHLS continues to be richly blessed as we provide God’s Word to our students, parents, and community. Our theme for 2024-2025 school year is ‘All Things’ based on Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” This is a very appropriate theme verse that we will be focusing on this year as a church and school community.
At RHLS, we want students to know that while they are in the world, they are not of the world. We seek to develop in them a Christian worldview through our thoughtful integration of biblical truths and principles in all lessons. It is our goal that our students will develop a sense of philanthropy and compassion for others and shine as lights against darkness.
We are blessed with extremely gifted teachers and staff members who, with their varied God-given gifts and talents, serve one Lord, Jesus Christ by sharing the Gospel message of eternal salvation with everyone (students, parents, colleagues, and the greater community). RHLS has had numerous teachers who have been voted and honored as Top Teachers of Orange County and received recognition for their accomplishments in OC Parenting Magazine. Most recently Mr. Matt Smith, middle school math teacher was honored as an OCDE Teacher of the Year and was a finalist for the 2024 California Teacher of The Year honor. Additionally, RHLS is recognized as an Exemplary High Performing National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education. We are extremely proud of our quality and committed teacher and staff members who are eager to partner with your family in the eternally important process of Christian Education.
In order for all RHLS teachers to be fully equipped to guide students, we are committed to providing teachers with the most current, researched-based professional development opportunities. We believe Proverbs 18:15, which says, “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” Teachers at RHLS enthusiastically embrace professional growth and development because they know that we all are designed to continually grow and learn. This growth mindset is something that is modeled to students in the hope of encouraging a lifelong love of learning.
This handbook is intended to provide information on RHLS for you and your child. We ask that you log in to your FACTS Family Portal. From the left-hand side menu, select "Web Forms," then click on "Handbook Acknowledgement 2024-25." Complete the Acknowledgement and Agreement Form to confirm that you have received, read, and agree to abide by this document.
Dr. Paul J. Marquardt