K-8 Uniform Policy
Dennis Uniforms is Our Official School Uniform Company. Students of Red Hill Lutheran School are expected to dress appropriately for school. Hair, clothing, garments, and/or accessories that are inappropriate or detract from the educational program will not be allowed. The following guidelines have been established by the School Board for appropriate dress at school and all school-related functions, including school productions and Middle School dances, to promote modesty, uniformity, and school pride.
- All uniform shirts and blouses must be purchased from Dennis Uniforms and have our school emblem.
- All jumpers, skirts, skorts, shorts, shirts, pants, sweatshirts, and jackets must be purchased from Dennis Uniforms.
- All shirts must be tucked in for Chapel services.
- Shirts worn under any school uniform (including sports uniforms and spirit squad/cheer team uniforms) may only be white in color. These shirts may not hang lower than the uniform shirt. To meet this requirement, the "undershirt" may be tucked in at the waist.
- Excessively loose or tight-fitting clothing is not permitted.
- Undergarments may not be exposed at any time.
Chapel Days: On Wednesday, students are required to wear the following uniform for chapel.
Spirit shirts and free dress are not permitted on Wednesday for chapel. School league sports uniforms and spirit squad/cheer team uniforms are acceptable on GAME days. The complete uniform must be worn.
Spirit Shirt Friday: Students are encouraged to wear their spirit shirt with uniform bottoms on Fridays.
Skirts and Skorts:
- Girls' skirts, shorts, and skorts must not be shorter than 3 inches above the knee.
Belts: Belts are optional provided that pants are not excessively baggy, worn below the hips, and/or falling off. Belts may be required should the privilege be abused per the principal's discretion.
- Students must wear closed-toe, closed heel, hard-soled, or tennis shoes. High tops may not extend beyond the ankle.
- For P.E. classes, students are required to wear athletic shoes (i.e. running shoes) and socks.
- Only plain red, white, navy blue or black colored socks (leggings or tights for girls) may be worn.
- Sandals, jelly shoes, or high-heel shoes may not be worn.
- Boots are not permitted, except on free dress days.
- Laces must be securely tied.
- Shoes with wheels in the soles ("heelies") are not permitted on campus.
Hairstyles: Hairstyles must not be extreme as determined by the principal (or designated personnel).
- Mohawks and other current trendy extreme styles are not permitted.
- Hair color may not be altered in any way.
- Ponytails for boys are not permitted.
- Hair should not be so long that it hangs over students' eyes and boys' hair may not hang over the collar.
Accessories: Jewelry that is considered by the principal (or designated personnel) to be inappropriate may not be worn.
- Boys may not wear earrings.
- Girls may wear only one earring in each ear lobe. No dangling earrings. No visible body piercing or tattoos.
- Hats and hair scarves are not permitted. Students may wear RHLS hats sold at Dennis Uniforms or sold through the school office. It must be worn outdoors only, facing forward.
Make-Up & Nail Polish: Make-up may not be worn to school or school-related events including middle school dances; however, clear lip gloss is acceptable for girls. Nail polish is acceptable as long as the classroom teacher or principal does not deem it a distraction.
Spirit Day: Students may wear the following each Friday:
- RHLS spirit shirt.
- Any school-labeled t-shirt provided by the school including the summer camp, spirit squad/cheer team, music, and sports t-shirts.
- NOTE: Thursday is never considered a Friday a "Spirit Day" even when there is no school on Friday.
- Sports Uniforms:
- Students participating in our after-school sports and spirit squad/dance team programs may wear their team uniform to school on Friday (Spirit Day) as well as the days of their scheduled games, and/or after-school class (including Wednesday).
- Players are expected to wear their complete uniform (i.e. knee pads, shorts, jersey, etc.) to each game, or they may be ineligible to play that day.
- Outerwear worn with sports uniforms must meet school dress standards.
- Shirts, tanks, and sports bras worn under sports uniforms must be white if visible.
Free Dress Days:
- Each student will be issued a birthday sticker. During their birthday month, the "birthday" students may wear clothes of their choice on ONE designated day (other than Wednesday unless the actual birthday falls on a Wednesday) provided that they are wearing their school-issued birthday sticker, and their dress meets the free dress day requirements. Students with summer birthdays may use their birthday sticker free-dress day the month before or after their summer birthday month.
- Spirit Shirts may be worn on Fridays with uniform bottoms.
- Free Dress Passes may be used on Mondays and Fridays.
- Free Dress ASB Fundraiser on Fridays - For a $2 cash donation, students may wear free dress on Fridays.
- Free Dress Passes must be signed and dated by a RHLS faculty or staff member.
- All students will observe the following dress standards on free dress days:
-Clothing is to be neat, in good taste, and must follow handbook standards.
-Clothing or shirts with offensive decals or emblems such as alcohol logos, musical groups, or anything associated with gangs including excessively baggy, tight, or sloppy clothing is inappropriate.
-Leggings are not allowed unless they have a skirt or long shirt over them.
MS Dance Attire:
- All above standards apply.
- No make-up is allowed.
- Girls may wear dresses with spaghetti straps that are deemed modest and appropriate by teachers and administration.
If there is any question that an item is inappropriate for dress, it should not be worn.