Dress Standards
Uniforms are not required for our Preschool, Pre-K, and Transitional Kindergarten Students.
Children should wear washable, comfortable, sturdy clothes - preferably play clothes. Paint, glue, colored chalks, water, and sand are examples of materials available to the children. Accordingly, these materials may be worn home from time to time. The children do wear smocks for art activities and the Pre-School classrooms use washable paints and materials.
Clothing that is easy to manage encourages independence and self-help. Many potty accidents are prevented if children can unbutton or unbuckle pants and belts without a struggle. Three-year-old children should not wear belts or overalls.
For safety and insurance reasons, we ask that children NOT wear sandals, slick-soled shoes, "Crocs", boots, or "dressy" shoes. Tennis shoes are recommended. Long dresses are also more difficult for little girls. Shoes with velcro closing are acceptable.
Please be sure to label all jackets, sweaters, coats, and hats with your child's name. Some children may wear very similar clothing and this makes it easier for the teacher to match the clothing to the child.