Preschool » Preschool Enrichment

Preschool Enrichment

April 15 - May 16, 2024


We are pleased to offer two preschool enrichment classes on Tuesdays and  Thursdays. Classes will have mixed grade levels of Tiny Tots, Pre-K, and TK.


Class Descriptions:


Tuesdays (5 Sessions)
Cosmic Yoga Fun with Miss Linda and Miss Alexis (Room 5)

The children will have a blast leaning fun and relaxing yoga poses to help with self-regulation and mindfulness.


Thursday (4 sessions, No class on 05/09)
Learn Some Fun Spanish with Miss Myra and Miss Leslie (Room 10)

The children will have a blast learning Spanish words, cooking Spanish foods, and fun Spanish dances. Excellente!


Limited Spaces - sign up early! 


Important Information, please read!


  • From April 15 - May 16
  • 3:10 - 4:00 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • All children that are not on a daycare plan need to be picked up from the classroom by 4:00pm.
  • No Class on Holidays, Minimum Days, Camps, or Days Noted.
  • Pre-Registration is REQUIRED for all attendees and is based on AVAILABLE SPACE only.
  • If classes are full please email Miss Annie at [email protected] to be added to the waiting list.