What is PTF?

What does PTF stand for?                                                       
"Parent/Teacher Fellowship"

What does the PTF do?
The PTF seeks to bridge parental involvement with teachers and staff at our school.  That could mean organizing room parents and classroom help, fundraising for special programs and events, and providing a place where parents can be actively involved in their child's schooling.
About fundraising, where does the money go?
While our School Board and Administrative Staff do a fantastic job of utilizing  your tuition dollars, unfortunately it does not cover all of the programs and events for our children.  Here at RHLS, we are extremely fortunate to have programs like Music, Performing Arts, PE, Spanish, Computer Education and Art (through our Art Masters program), especially because most of these programs have been cut from our local public schools. The PTF fundraising seeks to supplement our school's budget, so that our students will always have these advantages.
Why should I get involved?
Why PTF2