Middle School

This curriculum guide provides a description of the courses that are currently offered. These courses provide a rigorous core curriculum and offer a variety of exploratory specialty and elective courses for students.

Our Middle School faculty regularly collaborates to provide students with a comprehensive integrated program. Instruction at all three grade levels is student-centered with teachers working together to build academic units which challenge and motivate our students. The school website outlines the Middle School assignments, tests, and activities for the week. The FACTS systems also used for school-home communication and to strengthen the parent – teacher partnership.

The Middle School program follows a block schedule. Students attend four core subjects: language arts, history, math, and science every other day for 80 minutes each day. This provides the students more instructional time in these subjects, allowing for more hands-on interactions. It also reduces the daily amount of homework in terms of number of subjects assigned each day. Students are well prepared for high school and college; the majority enter honors classes.

As an outreach ministry of Red Hill Lutheran Church, our primary objective is to provide a Christ centered, well-balanced education that promotes academic, spiritual, social, physical, and creative development. We believe all students are blessed with unique gifts, talents, and abilities. Recognizing that children learn differently, we create rich and varied activities that foster discovery, encourage genuine success experiences, build confidence, promote positive self esteem, and foster individual growth. A rich variety of specialty and elective classes are offered, along with a abundant list of enrichment activities in order for students to develop their varied gifts and talents in diverse areas.
Middle School Electives: Middle School students have the opportunity to individualize their schedule by selecting various courses that include Handbells, Praise Band, Concert Band,  ASB, Drama, STEAM, Home Economics, Spanish, Robotics, Computer Programming, Psychology and Teacher’s Assistant. With input from the teachers, the Principal will make the final decision regarding class placement. Grade point average, Citizenship grades, and grade level “seniority” will be taken into consideration when assigning classes. Parent approval by signature for elective selections is required. Elective choices are an annual commitment.

We maintain high academic standards with a challenging curriculum that exceeds the California State and Common Core National Standards. All teachers utilize these standards as a framework for academic achievement. Comprehensive curriculums for Bible, mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies are utilized. Curriculum is reviewed annually and updated on a regular basis to meet our mission, vision, and philosophy and in order to adhere to rigorous standards. Red Hill Lutheran School is fully accredited with both the Western
Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the National Lutheran School Association (NLSA).